Main data
Year of construction: 2001
Overhauled: 2021
Laser power: 2,4 kw co2
Auto loading bars: YES
Aspiration: YES
Workable sections
Circular D.min 20mm - Dmax 150mm
Square min.20X20 - max 120X120 mm
Rectangular envelope circle D.max 150mm
WEIGHTS of the piece
Max bar weight 120Kg
Finished weight on extraction 40 Kg
Weight of pipe bundle 4000 Kg
AXES speed
X axis 140 mt / min
Y axis 40 mt / min
Z axis 40 mt / min
Axis A 120 rpm.
sale of used laser systems
sale of used laser systems
We also have sheet metal laser cutting machines, solutions with various levels of productivity and price. Sheet metal laser cutting machines, to be considered as entry level for those who cut a few hours a day, intermediate systems and implants for those who deal with laser cutting on behalf of third parties and work 24 hours a day every day of the week.